Who we are
The Hawai‘i P–20 Council is composed of education, business, and community leaders working together to align the efforts of those in the education pipeline with the workforce needs of Hawai‘i.
Council Leadership
“Nothing is more important than early care and education in ensuring our keiki have a strong start. We are committed to accelerating and improving the options available for our children and their families.”
Yuuko Arikawa-Cross
Executive Office on Early Learning
“Chamber of Commerce Hawai‘i and the businesses we represent strive to work together with the education community to provide opportunities for students to be prepared for their future careers and ensure Hawai‘i businesses have qualified local applicants.”
Sherry Menor-McNamara
Chamber of Commerce Hawai‘i
P–20 Council
- Yuuko Arikawa-Cross
Director, Executive Office on Early Learning - Lynn Babington
President, Chaminade University - Philip Bossert
Executive Director, Hawai‘i Association of Independent Schools - Colonel Christopher Busque
Director, Manpower and Personnel (J1), U.S. Indo-Pacific Command - Jade Butay
Director, Hawai‘i State Department of Labor & Industrial Relations - Christian Fern
Executive Director, University of Hawai‘i Professional Assembly - Terry George
President and CEO, Harold K.L. Castle Foundation - Debora Halbert
Vice President for Academic Strategy, University of Hawai‘i System - William Haning III
Regent, University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents - Keith Hayashi
Superintendent, Hawai‘i State Department of Education - Wendy Hensel
President, University of Hawai‘i System - Gary Kai
Executive Director, Hawai‘i Business Roundtable - Micah Kane
President and CEO, Hawai‘i Community Foundation - Michelle Kidani
Senate Education Committee Chair, Hawai‘i State Senate - Michael Latham
President, Punahou School - Ann Mahi
Executive Director, Hawai‘i State Teachers Association - Sherry Menor-McNamara
President and CEO, Chamber of Commerce of Hawai‘i - Nathan Murata
Dean, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Education - Randy Perreira
Executive Director, Hawai‘i Government Employees Association - Roy Takumi
Chair, Hawai‘i State Board of Education - Della Teraoka
Vice President for Community Colleges, University of Hawai‘i System - Laurie Tochiki
Regent, University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents - Felicia Villalobos
Executive Director, Hawai‘i Teachers Standards Board - Greg Waibel
President and CEO, YMCA of Honolulu - Leslie Wilkins
President and CEO, Maui Economic Development Board - Jack Wong
CEO, Kamehameha Schools - Justin Woodson
House Committee on Lower & Higher Education Chair, Hawai‘i State House of Representatives - Kehau Yap
Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono