Goal 2
Universal preparation of every K-12 student throughout their education for college, career, and citizenship
The entire K-12 educational experience in Hawai‘i must provide a strong academic foundation for all students to engage in vibrant career exploration, to succeed in education and training after high school, and to be effective lifelong learners in preparation for the inevitable changes over the decades to come.
Core Metric
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Six year plan to implement new approaches that accelerate student learning. Phase I saw the adoption of a new mission, vision and core values, and new goals and desired outcomes for the state’s K-12 public education system.
Phase II includes action items and metrics that will be used to achieve the Board-approved goals and measure progress.
DXP data dashboard on DOE completers’ first fall college enrollment locations.
DXP data dashboard on readiness outcomes that show how well high school seniors meet the DOE’s vision of a Hawai‘i public school graduate.

DXP data story that explores the growth of dual credit opportunities in Hawai‘i over the last eight years.
Explore more goals

Goal 1 • Early Childhood
Universal access to high-quality early learning opportunities
Core Metric: Percentage of Hawai‘i's 3- and 4-year-olds in early learning and development programs.

Goal 3 • Postsecondary
Universal access to postsecondary opportunity and success
Core Metric: Number of credentialed graduates from Hawai‘i’s postsecondary education and training programs, with equity breakdown.

Goal 4 • Workforce
Universal education and training of Hawai‘i residents to fill and create living wage jobs available across the state
Core Metric: Number of living-wage jobs existing and created in Hawai‘i; number of living-wage job openings filled by current and returning Hawai‘i residents.