Goal 3
Universal access to postsecondary opportunity and success
Living-wage jobs of today and tomorrow require some education and/or training beyond high school. These opportunities must be fully accessible for all residents of all backgrounds and locations throughout the state – including for working adults looking to retrain, upskill or change professions – with the academic and financial support they need to succeed.
Core Metric
Related resources

Six year plan focused around five foundational principles and four imperatives that define the University of Hawai‘i’s path forward to address current challenges while preparing our islands for the future.

Institutional Research, Analysis and Planning Office reports on student enrollments, retention, graduations, and success.
DXP data dashboard on DOE graduates’ annual progress towards a postsecondary degree/certificate one to six years after high school.
DXP data dashboard on DOE graduates’ overall postsecondary outcomes by the sixth year after high school.
Explore more goals

Goal 1 • Early Childhood
Universal access to high-quality early learning opportunities
Core Metric: Percentage of Hawai‘i's 3- and 4-year-olds in early learning and development programs.

Goal 2 • K-12
Universal preparation of every K–12 student throughout their education for college, career, and citizenship
Core Metric: Percent of high school graduates that go on to postsecondary education, training, or the military.

Goal 4 • Workforce
Universal education and training of Hawai‘i residents to fill and create living wage jobs available across the state
Core Metric: Number of living-wage jobs existing and created in Hawai‘i; number of living-wage job openings filled by current and returning Hawai‘i residents.