Goal 1
Universal access to high-quality early learning opportunities
From birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. The evidence is clear that every family must have access to high-quality early learning and development opportunities so that every child in Hawai‘i is ready to succeed in school and life.
Core Metric
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Sets shared priorities to help coordinate efforts of the State, counties, and community; driving the need to collaborate and leverage resources to improve the lives of our keiki and their families.

A multi-faceted plan to ensure all Hawaiʻi keiki are ready for kindergarten, by expanding access to preschool for Hawaiʻi’s 3- and 4-year-olds, creating 465 classrooms statewide by 2032.
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Goal 2 • K-12
Universal preparation of every K–12 student throughout their education for college, career, and citizenship
Core Metric: Percent of high school graduates that go on to postsecondary education, training, or the military.

Goal 3 • Postsecondary
Universal access to postsecondary opportunity and success
Core Metric: Number of credentialed graduates from Hawai‘i’s postsecondary education and training programs, with equity breakdown.

Goal 4 • Workforce
Universal education and training of Hawai‘i residents to fill and create living wage jobs available across the state
Core Metric: Number of living-wage jobs existing and created in Hawai‘i; number of living-wage job openings filled by current and returning Hawai‘i residents.